Best of Hokkien Pop

Last data check on 2024-09-07 09:10:04 UTC

The most popular Hokkien Pop songs on Spotify • Featuring 曾瑋中, Julie Sue, Jody Chiang, Huang Yee Ling, 許富凱, 葉啟田, 曹雅雯, 施文彬, 詹雅雯, 黃文星, Jason Wang, 張秀卿, 阿吉仔, 陳盈潔, 吳申梅, Chen Lei, 蔡小虎, 陳小雲, 蔡秋鳳, 王建傑, 謝金燕, Cai Ming Guo, 荒山亮, 蔡振南, 西卿, 蘇宥蓉, 沈文程, 小鳳鳳, 林玉英, 陳一郎, 郭婷筠, 曾心梅, 黃妃, 楊宗憲, 林美惠, 陳中 & 罗时丰 • By
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2024-09-07 16 hours ago

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Tracks popularity

The popularity is a value from 0 to 100 given by Spotify. The higher this number is, the more popular the track is. This graph gives you an indication if the playlist contains only popular tracks or tracks from upcoming artists.

Track age

For each track in the playlist, we look at the release date, and we then build this graph. This gives you an indication if the playlist contains new released tracks or older tracks.