Best of Yowapeda

Last data check on 2024-09-07 08:32:36 UTC

The most popular Yowapeda songs on Spotify • Featuring 佐伯ユウスケ, 姫野湖鳥(CV:田村ゆかり), Dirty Old Men, LASTGASP, 沢田完, チーム箱根学園 <福富寿一(cv.前野智昭)、真波山岳(cv.代永 翼)、東堂尽八(cv.柿原徹也)、新開隼人(cv.日野 聡)、荒北靖友(cv.吉野裕行)、泉田塔一郎(cv.阿部 敦)>, AUTRIBE & ROUTE85(真波山岳/泉田塔一郎/黒田雪成/葦木場拓斗/銅橋正清/新開悠人) • By
Top genres

Based on artists in the playlist.

Last update

When we recorded the update, the playlist could have been updated before.

2024-05-02 4 months ago

We record the number of followers of each playlist once a day. If you see a sudden spike or drop, this could indicate fake followers.

Tracks popularity

The popularity is a value from 0 to 100 given by Spotify. The higher this number is, the more popular the track is. This graph gives you an indication if the playlist contains only popular tracks or tracks from upcoming artists.

Track age

For each track in the playlist, we look at the release date, and we then build this graph. This gives you an indication if the playlist contains new released tracks or older tracks.