Best of Chinese Instrumental

Last data check on 2024-09-07 12:41:15 UTC

The most popular Chinese Instrumental songs on Spotify • Featuring 陈悦, Jia Peng Fang, 周志宏, 楊秀蘭, Guo Yang Peng, 貴族樂團, Ming Flute Ensemble, Ho Si Qiang, 李维, Missa Johnouchi & the Li-Hua Ensemble, 張福全, 王珣, 蘇宇虹(古筝), 王森地, 羅啟瑞, 王建元, 洪啟峰, 上海華夏民族樂團, Bei Bei, 浩瀚, 王旭東, 張維良, 北京中央音樂學院民樂團 & 上海交響樂團 • By
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2024-09-03 4 days ago

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Tracks popularity

The popularity is a value from 0 to 100 given by Spotify. The higher this number is, the more popular the track is. This graph gives you an indication if the playlist contains only popular tracks or tracks from upcoming artists.

Track age

For each track in the playlist, we look at the release date, and we then build this graph. This gives you an indication if the playlist contains new released tracks or older tracks.